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Mount Vernon Estate
Washington Portraits
Family and Friends
Revolutionary War
Historical Documents & Maps
Landscape Paintings
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72 Items Found | Page 1 of 3
William B. T. Trego
The March to Valley Forge, December 19, 1777
Emanuel Leutze
Washington Crossing the Delaware
Paul Revere
The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regt., 1770
Edward Percy Moran
Washington at Valley Forge
Edward Savage
The East Front of Mount Vernon, c. 1787-1792
Rembrandt Peale
George Washington, Patriae Pater
Rembrandt Peale
George Washington on Horseback
William Winstanley
View of the North River (Morning), 1793
Edward Percy Moran
The Hour of Victory
Edward Savage
The West Front of Mount Vernon, c. 1787-1792
Gilbert Stuart
George Washington, 1796
G. & F. Bill (publishers)
Bird's Eye View of Mt. Vernon, The Home of Washington, 1859
Charles Willson Peale
George Washington after the Battle of Princeton
Strobridge & Co. (publishers)
Washington as a Freemason
Gilles Robert de Vaugondy
1755 map of Virginia and Maryland
John White and Thomas Harriot
1590 map of Virginia and the Carolinas (Americæ pars, nunc Virginia dicta)
Louis Rémy Mignot
Washington’s Home, Mount Vernon, 1857/1859
Joachim Ferdinand Richardt
Mount Vernon, East Front
James Reid Lambdin
George Washington
Currier and Ives
The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor
Eastman Johnson
The Old Mount Vernon, 1857
Abraham Ortelius
1570 map of the Americas, or the New World (Americae sive novi orbis, nova descriptio)
James Barton Longacre
Decorative Print of the Declaration of Independence, 1818
After John Trumbull
The Father of Our Country